Community Resources

FireSpreads provides copies of Red Cards and Emergency Planning Packets in both Spanish and English at NO COST to our community businesses and organizations. If you are interested in providing these resources to employees and/or patrons at your organization, scroll complete the form below.

Print Partnerships

FireSpreads is looking for community partners that would be willing to help print materials. If interested, click on the link below and complete the form.

If your organization is able to copy materials independently and would like to request a PDF copy of the resources below, please fill out the contact form and FireSpreads will send you the files.

Material Request Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
This is where your materials will be delivered unless otherwise noted in delivery instructions.
Select Material(s) for Printing
Number of Copies Requested (Red Cards)
Number of Copies Requested (Emergency Planning Packet)
Delivery Day Preference *select a minimum of 2
Delivery Time Window
Please make every effort to select one of the three designated time slots.
Please indicate who should receive materials upon delivery and any other special directions on location, time, etc.
FireSpreads Community Agreement