You Print. We Share.

Thank you for be willing to partner with us to provide our community with much needed resources! Please complete the form below and someone from our team will reach out to you.

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I would like to receive text messages regarding my printing involvement.
Select the printing resources you plan to provide. *select all that apply
Select which item(s) your organization would be willing to print. This includes cutting and stapling items when necessary.
Red Cards are to be copied on red cardstock and cut out. Emergency Planning Packets can be copied double sided in black and white and should be stapled together. Community support postcards should be printed on white cardstock and cut out.
This is the TOTAL number of copies per week. Meaning you would select 50 copies if you would be willing to make 25 copies of the red card pages and 25 copies of the emergency planning packets.
A member of the FireSpreads team will reach out to your organization regarding material pick up location and time. Please share as much details as possible about the day of week, time of day, and location of printed material pick up that would work best for your organization. **Please note: Depending on demand there may be times when printing services are not needed.